Your Experiments, Workflows, & Data. Unified. Welcome to Darwin

Darwin is the ultimate cloud platform
for better & faster R&D.

Making biotech computing accessible to all.

Import Datasets

Import Datasets

Import your raw data from your cloud, your service provider, or your teams instruments

Upload Workflows

Upload Workflows

Develop and deploy custom bioinformatics workflows in any language.

Run & Analyze

Run & Analyze

Stop wrestiling infrastructure. Easily run any workflow and keep a log of every analysis.

Visualize Biological Insights

Visualize Biological Insights

Ready-to-go interactive visualizations for NGS data. Point and click plots.

Thousands of researchers use Darwin to exceed their R&D milestones with the latest data analysis & processing kit tailored for the life sciences.

AlphaFold 2.0
AlphaFold 2.0
Cell Ranger
Cell Ranger





Darwin only charges you based on resource usage, so you can scale your infrastructure with ease.


1 Credit = $1

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Pay as You Go

Access our complete biocomputing platform with simple, pay-as-you-go pricing.

Darwin Enterprise

For biotech teams who want hands-on support to set up their cloud bioinformatics

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1 credit = $1 - buy as little or as much as your analysis needs, credits never expire

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Complete platform access: DarwinSDK, Workflows, Pods, and more.

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100 free credits with every new account

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Volume discounts

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24/7 priority support via Slack

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Hands-on engineering assistance uploading workflows and data

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Free 7-day pilots, a low-risk way to evaluate platform before purchasing credits

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bioinformatics Contracting


Bulk RNA-Seq

The Darwin Bulk RNA-Seq Workflow consists of 4 tasks with varying compute sizes per task. Running 8 samples (30x coverage, average ~1.2 GB file size) costs a total of 14.101 credits with a runtime of 18 minutes and 8.3 seconds on Darwin.

Breakdown of each task costs:

1. Formatting inputs (4 CPU Cores, 8 GiB RAM): 0.002 credits

0.002 credits

2. Trimgalore & Salmon (96 CPU Cores, 192 GiB RAM): 13.521 credits

3.521 credits

3. LeafCutter (32 CPU Cores, 128 GiB RAM): 0.376 credits

0.376 credits

4. Count Aggregation & MultiQC (32 CPU Cores, 128 GiB RAM): 0.202 credits

0.202 credits
Bulk RNA-Seq


Access our complete biocomputing platform with simple, pay-as-you-go pricing.

First 20 credits free with other support frameworks
